@article{oai:fukuchiyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000272, author = {Hiroko, Ikeda}, issue = {1}, journal = {成美大学紀要, The Seibi University review}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (hereinafter referred as to as JF) is one of Mark Twain's masterpieces. It is not simply his first great success as a writer; it also clearly showcases the author's literary style, particularly his skillful management of the narrative framework. G. Bellamy points out that this framework is one of the reasons JF is considered a masterpiece. This work uses a first-person style in which "I" is used by the storyteller (Twain) to introduce the narrator of the story (Simon Wheeler). "I" has a number of roles in the work: first and foremost, it allows the narrator of the story to relate his tale and, second, it allows the storyteller to describe the appearance and characteristics of the narrator. Twain insisted that it was extremely difficult to tell a story in a humorous way and it required a very polished technique. Wheeler, in this story, is just the right character for this humorous role. In contrast to ordinary criticism which directly describes the subject in hand. Criticizing a fictional example intentionally causes people to associate the example with something real, and produces the same result as criticizing the actual thing itself. Thus, satire is euphemistic criticism. With JF, Twain creates a humorous fable that criticizes the society of the day. Twain has been described not only as a humor writer and satire writer,but also as a social critic and social philosopher., 5, KJ00009350283, 研究ノート, Research note}, pages = {63--69}, title = {A Study of Mark Twain's : The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County}, volume = {2}, year = {2012} }