@article{oai:fukuchiyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000244, author = {伴, みずほ and 山科, 舞子 and 嶋崎, 美香 and 松山, 由佳 and 宮本, 有香 and 高澤, 弘明 and 福田, 正子 and Ban, Mizuho and Yamashina, Maiko and Shimazaki, Mika and Matsuyama, Yuka and Miyamoto, Yuka and Takazawa, Hiroaki and Fukuda, Masako}, issue = {1}, journal = {京都短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Kyoto Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {When we made salt a water solution,a difference of taste of a component ratio of a main element depended on the sodium concentration,but the possibility that a mineral except sodium participated in "taste" was shown in a rice ball when we seasoned it., 7, KJ00004801360, 研究ノート, Note}, pages = {21--28}, title = {ミネラル含有量が異なる塩の官能評価}, volume = {34}, year = {2006}, yomi = {バン, ミズホ and ヤマシナ, マイコ and シマザキ, ミカ and マツヤマ, ユカ and ミヤモト, ユカ and タカザワ, ヒロアキ and フクダ, マサコ} }